Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Chapter 15 Page 21

Chapter 15 Page 21 - http://bit.ly/1kFAHCu 

A quick reminder about Barriers and Force magic in general: force manifests mainly as one of two different types of energy. The first is an invisible "push" used to move or manipulate something through magic, and the second is molding the force into a more visible form to create objects. This is achieved through compressing the force, and molding it through willpower into a sheet of force, somewhat like glass.

As with glass itself, force constructs gain strength through adding layers and compressing the force to gain more density. A barrier is only as strong as the caster makes it, in other words. Bram's barriers have worked well so far... but when facing an attack from the dungeon killer the wall of force literally shattered, and the shockwave blasted them back unabated. Scary!

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