Friday, January 8, 2016

Chapter 15 Page 28

Chapter 15 Page 28 -

Finally, Caldwell's determined face! It's popped up before in the comic, but here it's made much more evident.

A quick note on the eyes. My preferred style of eye is to have a white dot in the center. No real reason, I just enjoy the way it looks. Certain characters, such as Bram, have their eyes filled in for stylistic differences. Caldwell, as the main character, is a bit of a special case. I normally draw his eyes as just black with a dot in the middle. However, whenever he feels particularly determined or motivated, I draw them so you can see two rings, one for the outside of the iris and one around the white in the middle. It's a technique I lifted from One Piece, i'm not afraid to say. While I can't accurately say why, but I enjoy the effect it brings. Keep an eye out for these eye related changes during further pages.

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