Monday, September 28, 2015

Chapter 15 Page 7

Chapter 15 Page 7 -

Yikes! Now that's a powerful gust of wind. This page had a lot crammed in, I actually got two pages worth of material in here so it ended up a little hard to read at net resolution. Sorry about that. If you read the bestiary entry for the Lowlands Ogre, then you know that its thick skin and fat serve to shrug off blows and allow it to pursue its target without stopping. Right now its smelled weakness in Caldwell, and wants to smash him flat. How'll he get out of this one?

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Chapter 15 Page 6

Chapter 15 Page 6 -

Somewhat dialogue heavy page today. Condensing action made this a little too fast, but I think it still reads fine. Anyway, remember spell gems? Bram made a set for Caldwell many chapters ago so he could power his alchemy circles. They're the solid, crystallized form of essence that many wizards use in alchemy and enchantment. When broken down, the essence stored within can be used for many magical purposes. But, with proper application a spell gem can both hold and release a magic spell stored within. In this case the combination of the spell gem of air and the whistle crafted around it allowed for an elemental to be summoned. Without the whistle, well...

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Chapter 15 Page 5

Chapter 15 Page 5 -

I really enjoyed drawing the action on this page. Remember how Junon's barrier looked in the first dungeon exam? I tried to pattern Bram's after that, but with some slight changes. It's part of the setting that different people can cast the same spell a little differently. Oh, I suppose I could actually talk about barrier spells a bit here too.

Force Magic is the "neutral element" in the elemental wheel, often appearing in the middle or outside of it. It represents invisible forces of physics such as inertia, gravity, and magnetism which bind the world together. It's also generally considered to be the easiest element to channel and manipulate, and as such many wizards begin their training with the spell "force bolt" which is little more than a ball of force that smacks into an enemy. The most common use for force magic is to create a barrier of force, often a wall or a sphere, which protects the caster by repelling attacks. Due to its utility and ease of use, many healers opt to train in force magic alongside healing magic.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Chapter 15 Page 4

Chapter 15 Page 4 -

This page ties into what I discussed on the previous page, what's known as "essence weaving". When Bram uses ice magic to form a spear, it's basically as if he were launching an icicle that had formed naturally. Sure a person can be injured when an icicle falls, but this is a huge, thick skinned Ogre we're talking about. When it hits its skin, the spear shatters harmlessly. However, that's not to say that all "Ice Spear" spells would be ineffective. Through adding more essence, the spear becomes sharper, colder, flies faster, and gains a magical aura. A high level Ice Spear would have the power to pierce through thick armor and scales. Though it's a product of "ice" which exists in nature, the "spell" of Ice Spear can nonetheless deal damage in a way that no natural icicle could. That's the difference between a low level and a high level spell. Low level spells mimic natural occurrences while high level spells become a phenomenon entirely based in magic.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Chapter 15 Page 3

Chapter 15 Page 3 -

It's time for Briar's big spell, the Air Sword! Not the most inventive name... but it'll do I suppose. Briar's a straightforward girl, so she uses simple names for her attacks. In terms of effectiveness, the air sword is like a more concentrated air cutter. This'll be a recurring technique in Spellcross, and is the secret to high level spells. When Air Cutter is used, it's essentially a single air blade that cuts at the target. When several air blades are layered one on top of the other, it creates a blade that cuts more powerfully. More essence and greater skill allow a spell to have more and more power compacted into it, thus raising its effectiveness.

This leaves me an opening for writing stronger spells as time goes on. It's a problem to a narrative that resembles a videogame. In a game you can have Air slash 2 which does more damage than regular air slash, and is a direct step up that's easily understood as being stronger. With a setting such as Spellcross I need a way to demonstrate power creep over time, as well as the difference between a novice and a veteran. Maybe we'll get to see some high level spellcasting before too long...?