Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Chapter 15 Page 5

Chapter 15 Page 5 - http://bit.ly/1G101Xc

I really enjoyed drawing the action on this page. Remember how Junon's barrier looked in the first dungeon exam? I tried to pattern Bram's after that, but with some slight changes. It's part of the setting that different people can cast the same spell a little differently. Oh, I suppose I could actually talk about barrier spells a bit here too.

Force Magic is the "neutral element" in the elemental wheel, often appearing in the middle or outside of it. It represents invisible forces of physics such as inertia, gravity, and magnetism which bind the world together. It's also generally considered to be the easiest element to channel and manipulate, and as such many wizards begin their training with the spell "force bolt" which is little more than a ball of force that smacks into an enemy. The most common use for force magic is to create a barrier of force, often a wall or a sphere, which protects the caster by repelling attacks. Due to its utility and ease of use, many healers opt to train in force magic alongside healing magic.

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