Thursday, September 17, 2015

Chapter 15 Page 4

Chapter 15 Page 4 -

This page ties into what I discussed on the previous page, what's known as "essence weaving". When Bram uses ice magic to form a spear, it's basically as if he were launching an icicle that had formed naturally. Sure a person can be injured when an icicle falls, but this is a huge, thick skinned Ogre we're talking about. When it hits its skin, the spear shatters harmlessly. However, that's not to say that all "Ice Spear" spells would be ineffective. Through adding more essence, the spear becomes sharper, colder, flies faster, and gains a magical aura. A high level Ice Spear would have the power to pierce through thick armor and scales. Though it's a product of "ice" which exists in nature, the "spell" of Ice Spear can nonetheless deal damage in a way that no natural icicle could. That's the difference between a low level and a high level spell. Low level spells mimic natural occurrences while high level spells become a phenomenon entirely based in magic.

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