Thursday, October 15, 2015

Chapter 15 Pages 8-9

Chapter 15 Page 8 -

Chapter 15 Page 9 -

In which Caldwell gets turned into a pancake! Just kidding. What actually happens is that the Ogre smashes its frozen arm down and the shards cut into him. I apologize if the action was kind of hard to follow here, but I started condensing the action in order to keep things moving. What could Caldwell have used to survive? The answer is already in the previous pages!

Anyway... this might be the first actual, big spell we've seen in the comic. Previously it was "enchant" style spells, with Grey's "Stone Gauntlet" and Sophia's "Ember Slash", or support type spells such as "Icy Bubble" and Junon's barriers. Bram fills the role of the proper wizard, casting hugely damaging "nuke" spells. Whatever this new spell is, it's definitely going to bring the hurt!

One other thing though. If your hand or arm falls asleep, it's not strange to bite it, right? Just to see whether there's feeling there or not? I asked a friend and they said it was definitely weird, but another said it was normal. Someone who hasn't done it before might be confused what the Ogre's up to here, but I think it'll make sense reading through later. If he just massaged it with his other hand, I don't think it would've followed well visually, y'know?

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