Thursday, August 6, 2015

Ch14 02

Chapter 14 Page 02 - 

 Nell's signature spell is called "Icy Bubble". As a support spell it's super helpful; it creates a sphere out of a thin layer of ice, which is full of freezing water. When something touches the bubble, it shatters and sprays the freezing water in that direction, covering whatever touches it in a layer of ice. The actual damage is low, but the explosion can send a monster careening away, and when it lands it'll be disabled by the ice covering its body. Nell can only make one bubble at a time, but with careful positioning it becomes a strong support spell. That's utility, folks! You can also see a better view of Caldwell's new coat here. I'll elaborate on his design more when there's a proper view of it a few pages from now.

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