Thursday, August 6, 2015

Ch14 18

Chapter 14 Page 18 - 

 Time for a fun mini-discussion about spellcasting. There hasn't been any actual discussion on the act of casting spells in-comic, so I hope you all will enjoy it. While considering the magic system for Spellcross, I put a heck of a lot of thought into how I wanted to approach it. There's D&D styled magic which is based on memorization and strict somatic/vocal components with reagents, there's Wheel of Time styled spellcasting that kills you as you use it, etc etc. My main concern was crafting a spellcasting system that was both freeform (allowing for characters with highly specialized casting styles) and still adhered to a classic elemental wheel. There's also the "mp bar" of sorts with one's essence pool from which they draw the energy to cast a spell. It all comes together in what I hope will be a coherent and engaging system of magic. Things are still low powered right now in the story, but soon you might get to see some more complicated, over the top spells...

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