Thursday, August 13, 2015

Chapter 14 Page 33

Chapter 14 Page 33 -

Originally the entire dungeon and boss battle was scripted to be in a single chapter... but, considering how long it's taken me to complete chapter 14 (and 33 pages) I felt it was prudent to extend the fight into the next chapter.

Regarding the update pace... for those reading after the fact it won't be as apparent, but it's taken nearly a full year to complete these 33 pages. On my original update pace it would have taken 2-3 months. I've gotten back to three pages a week now for the past two weeks and i've been much happier for the fact.

Anyway Ogres! I'll talk more about this species of monster during the actual bossfight pages, but I can give a tidbit of info here as well. As a humanoid type ogres are considered intelligent and self aware, but unfortunately rank among the lowest in terms of actual intelligence and cleverness. From a writing standpoint this lets me use them as lower level enemies that are easily outsmarted, but carry a level of danger due to their brute strength. Here's to hoping none of the cast get turned into jelly!

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