Thursday, August 6, 2015

Ch14 04

Chapter 14 Page 04 - 

 And here we have the current dungeon group! Ah, this is a good time for me to elaborate a little on character roles. In MMO's, players typically take a role of either a Tank, Healer, or DPS (what's called the "holy trinity"). I wanted this kind of class based system to be represented in Spellcross, but the concept of "monster aggro" is very game-centric and doesn't make much sense in a realistic setting. So to that end, the adventurer types in Spellcross fall into four groups: Frontline, Support, Ranged Damage, and Direct Damage. Frontliners are those who face monsters directly and make sure they don't get to the other group members. Damagers are self explanatory, and Support wraps up both healer types and those like Nell here who disable monsters, as well as guys like Caldwell who don't fit neatly into the other groups.

 These roles differ from an adventurer's class in that a class does not directly determine a role when it comes to forming a dungeon group. Briar likes to be up in monsters' faces, so she chooses Frontline. Other Spellswords might prefer the Direct Damage role in order to pick their strikes and avoid taking damage. Roles also apply when someone wants to challenge a dungeon, but doesn't have a premade group to go with. 

 Sidenote, you can't see it yet, but Nell follows so-called "witch fashion" and casts her spells with a broom. It's made out of the same materials a staff would, so it's really just an aesthetic thing.

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