Monday, August 10, 2015

Chapter 14 Page 31

Ch14 Page 31 - 

I ended up drawing a lot more Briar this chapter than I expected... but she's ended up being quite an ostentatious character. Anyone familiar with the writing process will understand when I say that. Sometimes a character just stands out in your writing process and forces their way into the script/story. I really enjoy it though, so you won't hear me complaining about it. This does happen more often than I like to admit, however. Sophia was largely the same way in that she began as a one-off side character who quickly grew on both myself and my reading audience such that I felt compelled to add her to other scenes in the story. The Colosseo wasn't even going to get a chapter to itself before Sophia was written so strongly into the plot. I get the feeling that Briar will end up similarly.

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